Reports, Conferences, Home Calls


Caneadea, NY - The Friendship, NY assembly is now meeting in Caneadea, NY. The new address is 7449 Mill St., Caneadea, NY 14717. (585) 365-2029 or (585) 973-2408.


Barrie, Ontario - Ken Bond, 24 Russell Hill Drive, Barrie, ON, L4N OC4. (705) 733-1225,


Phoenix, AZ - During January the Garfield St. assembly enjoyed the visits and ministry of G.P. Taylor, Stan Wells, Ed Doherty, and Victor Doss from Malaysia. Brother Doss and his wife were with the believers for December and January, and their stay was an encouragement to the assembly.

Manchester, CT - Peter Orasuk and Robert Surgenor were with the assembly for the area Bible reading on February 2, and brother Orasuk also had a ministry meeting on February 5.

Newington, CT - The assembly enjoyed Peter Orasuk's ministry on February 3. He also visited Terryville and West Springfield for ministry.

Tampa, FL - Murray McCandless and Darris Barney of Iowa had four weeks of gospel meetings in January, and God richly blessed in salvation. There was a good response to the Seed Sower effort over the holidays and many outsiders attended the meetings. In December, the assembly appreciated visits from James Smith and Malcolm Radcliffe of Scotland.

Cedar Falls, IA - The Christians appreciated William Skates' visit at the end of January for a week of gospel meetings, using his chart on Future Events. More than 3000 Seed Sower packets were distributed in the city, and a number of visitors attended for the first time.

Sioux City, IA - Robert Orr visited in October, and Ken Taylor in December, both with profitable and helpful ministry.

Cambridge, MA - The believers appreciated Ken Taylor's visit for ministry on February 5, and Robert Surgenor's visit from February 9- 11.

Methuen, MA - Ken Taylor spoke at the Sunday School treat on February 1, and Marcus Cain gave a report of the work in Mexico on February 5.

Saugus, MA - Robert Surgenor was with the assembly for a week of practical ministry January 19-24, and Peter Orasuk joined him for the gospel meeting on January 19. The believers also enjoyed Marcus Cain's visit on February 4.

Watertown, MA - Robert Surgenor's visit for ministry on February 12-13 was appreciated by the believers.

Worcester, MA - The assembly was encouraged by the baptism of a sister on January 26, and by the interest shown by her family. Robert Surgenor was with them for the baptism, and for two weeks of ministry.

Saginaw, MI - Dan Shutt gave instructive ministry at the monthly ministry meeting on February 2. The believers were further cheered with the exercise of a young sister added to the fellowship.

Barrington, NJ - Harry Rodriguez of Mexico was with the assembly helping in the Spanish work from January 19-24. On January 22 he gave a report of the work in Mexico City and surrounding areas.

Bryn Mawr, NJ - David Oliver and Gene Higgins ended gospel meetings on February 7, with some interest and blessing.

Albuquerque, NM - The believers appreciated four nights of ministry with Stanley Wells in early January, followed by three weeks of encouraging gospel meetings with John Slabaugh and Gary Sharp, when God blessed in salvation.

Cleveland, OH - The assembly appreciated a visit from Bill Seale and James Smith in January when a teenager was baptized.

Mansfield, OH - Bill Seale and James Smith gave excellent help in January at the area Bible reading and ministry meeting.

Egg Harbor, WI - George Patterson and Ed Miller had three weeks of gospel meetings January 5-27, with blessing in salvation.

Black Earth, WI - William Skates, P. Studnicka and Art Ward gave helpful ministry at the January 12 all-day meeting. A young sister was baptized on January 5.

Seattle, WA - The January conference was well attended and was a blessing; many expressed their appreciation for the ministry. Nine of the Lord's servants were present: Hans Bouwman, John Fitzpatrick, Bryan Funston, Tom Hoy, Bryon Meyers, Dave Richards, Jim Smith, Tommy Thompson, and Cap van de Wetering. Overall the ministry and Bible Readings warmed hearts towards the Lord Jesus Christ and fellow believers. Following the conference, Jim Smith continued with ministry in the area, including Tacoma, Arlington, and Salem.

Tacoma, WA - David Brandt and Bryan Funston shared the monthly ministry meeting and the gospel meeting on January 26.


Port Alberni, BC - Dave Richards had a week of ministry with the assembly.

Vancouver, BC - The February monthly ministry meeting in Victoria Drive was shared by David Brandt, (who gave a brief account of the work in the Ukraine), Jim Smith, and Dave Richards. Brother Richards continued for a week of ministry on assembly truth, and will soon be returning to Russia, D. V. Jim Smith was in the area for two weeks ministry, visiting Fairview, Woodland, North Vancouver, Deep Cove, Carleton, and Victoria Drive.

West Bank, BC - Larry Perkins and Stanley Wells started gospel meetings in early February.

Clinton, ON - A visit by Murray Pratt on Lord's Day, December 29, with ministry and help in the gospel cheered the believers. They were also encouraged on January 13 when Murray Poidevin gave a very interesting and informative account of labors in the western province of Zambia, where they are now located.

Goodwood, ON - The assembly enjoyed five nights of encouraging ministry from Jim Beattie in January.

Lake Shore, ON - Gospel meetings with Stephen Vance and Larry Steers during January were well attended in spite of winter storms, and the Lord's hand was seen in salvation.

London, ON - In January Murray Poidevin and Marcus Cain gave interesting reports of the Lord's work in Zambia and Mexico respectively, and Eric Fowler visited for a ministry meeting. Three sisters were received into fellowship early in the new year.

Niagara Falls, ON - Allan LeBlanc had a good message to the children at the Sunday School treat on January 25, with twelve unsaved parents present. The following Sunday evening, February 2, three young believers obeyed the Lord in baptism before many witnesses, bringing great joy to the assembly.


Clarksville, IA - One-day conference, April 6, in the Antioch Gospel Hall, three miles east of Clarksville. Breaking of Bread at 11:00, preceded by ministry meeting at 10:00; ministry at 2:00 and gospel at 7:30. Contact Harry Schmidt, 103 West Rowley St., Greene, IA 50636. (515) 823-5691. Gospel Hall (319) 278-4083.

Watertown, MA - One-day conference, April 6, in the Gospel Hall, 226 Mount Auburn St., Watertown. Breaking of Bread 10:30, Sunday School 12:15, ministry 2:30, and gospel at 4:30. Corr. Joe Grillo, 2201 Lewis Gray Drive, Saugus, MA 01906. (781) 233-8520. Gospel Hall (617) 924-7696.

Newbury, ON - One-day conference, Saturday April 12, in the Gospel Hall, 370 Walnut Dr., RR #3 (junction of Highway 2 and Longwoods Road), with meetings at 2:30 and 6:30. Corr. David J. Cooper, 82 Goodal Avenue, Ridgetown, ON NOP 2CO. (519) 674-3073. Fax (519) 674-5659. email:

Culver City, CA - April 19 and 20, with prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30. Saturday, Bible reading 10:00 (Eph. 6), ministry 2:00, gospel 7:00. Lord's Day, Breaking of Bread 10:30, S.S 1:00, Bible reading 2:00, ministry 3:30, gospel 7:00. Corr. Neil Rodger, 4209 Clayton Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90027; (323) 663-5905. Hall (310) 559-1588.

Nineveh, NS - April 19 and 20, with supper at 5:00 and prayer meeting at 7:00 on Friday in the Gospel Hall. All other meetings in the Parkview Education Centre, 1485 King Street, Bridgewater, NS. Ministry meeting on Saturday at 10 a.m. Corr. Robert Kaulback, 19 Medway St., Bridgewater, B4V 1J8, (902) 543-5530.

Manchester, CT - April 19 and 20, with prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 in the Gospel Hall, 415 Center St., Manchester. All other meetings in the Bolton Center School, 108 Notch Rd., Bolton, CT. Meetings on Saturday at 10:30, 2:00 and 6:30. Breaking of Bread at 10:00, last meeting at 2:00 for ministry and gospel. Corr. Richard Trombly 121 Cushman Drive, Manchester, CT 06040 (860) 649-9462. For accommodations call Ted Kaulback (860) 742-0002.

Toronto, ON - April 18, 19, and 20 with prayer meeting on Thursday at 7:30 in the Langstaff Gospel Hall,1300 Langstaff, Maple, ON. All other meetings in the Premier Banquet and Convention Centre, 9019 Leslie St., Richmond Hill, ON. Meetings each day at 10:00 (except Lord's day), 1:30, 3:30, and 7:15. Bible readings are on Spiritual Gifts: (1) Rom. 12 - Every Member has a Gift, (2) 1 Cor. 12 - The Privilege and Responsibility of Using Gifts, and (3) Eph. 4:7,8,11-16 - The Recognition of Gift. Corr: Don Jennings, 53 Kamwood Dr., Scarborough, ON, MlL 2Z7, (416) 757­7019; and Robert Reilly, 30 Caronridge Cres., Agincourt, ON, M1W IL2, (416)4990829. Note: Breaking of Bread will be in the various Gospel Halls.

Waterloo/Cedar Falls, IA - April 19 and 20, 92nd annual conference, with prayer meeting on Friday at 7:00 in the Waterloo Gospel Hall, 726 Western Ave, Waterloo. All other meetings in the Cedar Falls High School, 11th and Division Street, Cedar Falls. Take High Street to 12' Street East to Division. (Please note change of location). Lord's Day, Bible reading at 9:00 (Luke 23:27-38, 44-49); Breaking of Bread at 10:30. The week before the conference there will be Bible readings on the Epistle of Colossians; Monday and Tuesday at 7:00 in Cedar Falls Gospel Hall, Wednesday and Thursday in Waterloo Gospel Hall. Corr. Richard Orr, 614 Bland Blvd. S.W., Independence, IA 50644, (319) 334-3931; or Erwin D. Stickfort, 223 North Francis St., Cedar Falls, IA 50613, (319) 266-6271.

Mimico, ON - Bible reading conference, April 25, 26, and 27, with the first reading on Friday at 7:30. Subject will be "The history of the Ephesian assembly in the New Testament." Saturday, 10:00, 2:00, and 7:00; Sunday, Breaking of Bread at 9:45, reading at 2:00 and gospel at 7:00. All meetings in the Gospel Hall, 414 Royal York Rd S., Etobicoke, ON. For further information contact P.W. Robinson, D.C., (416) 255-4993,

PEI - 53rd annual conference on May 17 and 18 in the Bluefield High School in Hampshire. Prayer and ministry Saturday 9:00, ministry 2:30, gospel 7:00. Bible reading Lord's Day 8:30 (Psalm 69). Breaking of Bread 10:00, ministry 2:30, and gospel 7:00. Corr. Glen McKenna, 15 Andrews Dr., Kensington, RR6, COB IMO, (902) 836-3073; or Brian McDonald, 25 MacRae Dr., Cornwall, C0A 1H0. (902) 566-3831. Accom. Neal Thompson (902) 892-7216,


Belfast, No. Ireland - John McKnight, age 84, on December 28. Our brother was saved in 1943, and baptized and received into the Ebenezer assembly in Belfast. Later he was in the Whitehouse assembly, and for the last 18 years in happy and constant fellowship in the Fortwilliam assembly, Belfast. A highly respected and beloved brother, John was a great asset to the assembly, where he will be missed. The attendance at his funeral, conducted by P. Cowan, G. Beasant, W. Cooper, and G. Gallagher, was a testimony to the esteem in which he was held by all who knew him. Please remember his family in prayer.

Sault Ste. Marie, ON - Hugo Sarlo, age 79, on January 14 passed suddenly into the Lord's presence. Our beloved brother was saved in 1953, baptized, and received into fellowship shortly thereafter. Hugo was a faithful, godly brother who loved the assembly and attended all the meetings regularly. He will be greatly missed by all who knew him. His beloved wife Dora predeceased him just four months previously, in September 2002, and he leaves four daughters and their families, two sisters, and three brothers. Harold Paisley and Andrew Sarlo spoke to a large number at the funeral, including many unsaved relatives.

Frostburg, MD - Vince Bohrer, age 76, on January 15. After taking part in the mid-week meeting and in apparent good health, our dear brother was called home suddenly, sitting in his car outside the hall. Vince was saved as a teenager during meetings by F. Mehl, and restored to the Lord during Robert Surgenor's early work in New Creek, WV. He had a tender heart for the gospel, the Lord's people, and the lost. An overseer who was a consistent help, he will be greatly missed in the assembly.

Black Earth, WI - Mrs. Grace Studnicka, age 89, on January 22. Grace was saved in 1946 in gospel meetings held by Paul Elliott and Oliver Smith. She and her late husband, Ed, were faithful to the assembly to the very end of their lives, and she will be missed. She leaves three children and their families. Art Ward and Al Christopherson shared the funeral service

No. Ireland - George Lynas Martin, age 78, on January 18. Our brother was saved in 1945, baptized in 1947, and received into the Drumlough assembly. Later he moved to Ballygawley and became a mainstay in the small assembly in Martray, carrying on a Sunday School work throughout his life. George was a respected overseer with a love for the gospel, faithfully distributing tracts and covering the local district regularly in visitation. He took a lot of responsibility for the annual conference, and with his wife Martha was given to hospitality. His home call is a great loss to his widow, his son, his sister, and the work of the Lord. William Nesbitt and Jack Lennox shared the service at his large funeral, with many hearing the gospel for the first time.


New Tracts: Available this month are 20 new tract titles for prayerful distribution. A total selection of 283 different titles are available, all on two-color, premium quality paper. These are offered free to individuals, shipping cost is requested. Assemblies: $15 to $20 per thousand, plus shipping.

Sample packs are sent by Priority Mail: USA - $5.00; Canada - $8.00; Overseas - $10.00.

Contact: Robert E. Surgenor, 4527 W. 226 Street, Fairview Park, OH 44126-2513. Phone: (440) 734-1942. email: or